Sabtu, 15 September 2012


Puitis (gagal)

Apa adanya

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012


I feel like screaming this burdensome stuffs at you, just so you know.
Even thought maybe the reaction won't be good.

In to You

Early in the morning I was still in bed
You call me just in time when the sunlight comes
You said How was your sleep? I didn't do too well. Would you be a friend and take a walk with me?"

My friends they all been telling me that you're no good
You broke a lot of hearts and you don't even know
I refuse to believe any of that is true
But I'll hate it when they're right and tell me told you so

I don't want to be a victim of a broken heart
I don't want to put myself into another mess yeah
I don't want to be a fool and make a big mistake
I've should've known better, but it's allright
Cause I'm in to you

Early in the morning I was still in bed
We've talked about an hour till my ear turns red
You said "It's getting late, I'm gonna have to go. I'll be getting ready so how 'bout that walk?"

My friends been telling me that I should let you go
You broke a lot of hearts and then you run away
I refuse to believe any of that it's true
But I'll hate it when they're right and tell me told you so

I don't want to be a victim of a broken heart
I don't want to put myself into another mess no
I don't want to be a fool and make a big mistake
I've should've known better, but it's alright
Cause I'm in to you

Early in the morning I was still in bed
The thought of you remains the biggest mystery
I was left unsure of all this thing would go
I guess I'll think about it when I walk with you

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

LDR (Problem?)

Long distance relationship, ato yg biasanya disebut LDR bisa dibilang menjadi salah satu nightmare buat beberapa orang yang pacaran. Yaaa walaupun ada beberapa hal yg jauh lebih menyeramkan, but hey, LDR is a freakin hard obstacle man. I strongly recommended for you all to avoid it. tapi kalo udah yakin kalo lo sanggup dan bisa sih, silahkan aja. 

Nah tapi LDR itu sendiri itu apa sih? Yang pasti sih itu keadaan dimana seseorang memiliki jarak yang mayan jauh sama kekasihnya. Orang-orang punya definisi dari "jarak yang jauh". Ada yang nganggap kalo antara Jakarta-Bandung itu LDR, tp ada juga yang nganggap kalo pacaran bisa dibilang LDR kalo mereka udah beda pulau atau negara (itu sih menurut gw). Tapi apapun itu definisi jarak yang jauh buat lo, gw rasa kendala dari LDR itu sendiri sih yaaa sejenis lah. Paling kalo semakin jauh jaraknya, makin banyak juga masalahnya.

And now, gw bakal mencoba menyebutkan masalah-masalah yang biasanya muncul selama LDR-an:

  • Rasa kangen yang berlebihan, berakibat galau liat orang lain pacaran.
  • Ketergantungan sama pacar, jd terkesan overly attached. Biasanya kalo sms sering gak nyantai banyaknya.
  • Bawaannya curiga terus, kalo pacar lg sama cowo/cewe lain biasanya negative thinking. Sering mikir pacar selingkuh.
  • Haus akan perhatian, ngebuat lo jadi melakukan hal-hal yang gak diperluin buat dapet perhatian dr orang-orang lain, apa lagi dari pacar lo sendiri.
  • Suka boong, kalo pacarnya galak sering boong kl lg sama cowo/ cewe lain. Ato gak sering boong lg gak pergi gitu.
  • Upgrade dari haus akan perhatian, biasanya jadi caper ke lawan jenis. Terus malah jd kyk HTS-an sm orang lain.
  • Bawaannya uring-uringan, jadinya ngerepotin orang lain.
  • Nganggur di malem minggu, I don't know if it's a blessing or not.
  • SELINGKUH!!! (no need to say anything)
  • Dan banyak lagi.
Well, itu sih menurut gw masalah-masalah yang mungking muncul. Gw yakin masih lebih banyak lagi, any ideas? Dari sekian banyak masalah yang gw tulis di atas sih menurut gw cmn dua solusinya, which is:
  • Gak usah LDR, mudah bukan?
But hey, skrg teknologi udah canggih kok. Ada skype, bbm, whatsapp dkk. Dengan itu semua, LDR lo bisa lebih lancar. Kalo teknologi dan hal di atas gak ngebantu, i got nothing else to offer. Because it sure helps me through my LDR life ;)

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012


Life as a university student is AWESOME. Great friends is an essential factor of course

But, it's not all fun and games here. Somehow i got in the most diligent section in the engineering faculty which is soooo not me. People here are so determined to ace every single subject, which is cool but it's kinda hard to keep up with (my recent GPA is the prove)

Skip the serious part, this time I'd like to give a couple of my documentation during the past few months


Stupid actions by random people

Probably first pic with DTK'11


Gazgath hype!

Silly faces

Look! Kangaroo!

You Jelly?


And that's just a few from my enormous collection!

In conclusion wether it's hard time, if you have awesome friends to accompany you, your day could be easy breezy as the summer ☀

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Is it?

Is it wrong to befriend with everybody?

Bad Habits

Each person has their own bad moments. Some may have no control of their emotion on an important time or there is a person who couldn’t be as faithful as their lover wish they could. If we encounter those bad moments, all that we could wish is just to turn back time or maybe just disappear forever. However the past has gone, and the present is all that you have. The best way is just to get over it and maybe try your best to fall on the same hole again.

But for some people, it seems that they couldn’t avoid those actions or even worse, it has developed into some kind of a bad habit. What I see is that those action could turn into a habit when that person keeps on having negative thoughts and some how it turned an action that they done subconsciously. There are people who keeps on telling their problems and I found something interesting from those stories. Even though they have different problems, but there is a similarity, which is that they know what they have been doing is wrong but some how they just won’t stop. For instance, there is this one person I know who keeps on having a broken heart, caused by a feeling to an opposite gender that developed too quickly which leads to a major breakdown when knowing that the one she “loves” is just not into her. Or maybe there is this one person who keeps on falling for guys that have a certain attraction for her, knowing that she won’t have a chance. This condition don’t just happened once or twice, it happened for a couple of times.

Those kind of action keeps on repeated again and again and again. It could stop, if one could find something to distract them. Maybe they could cook or paint or do something. Well that is just my personal solution which worked for me and I think it worked for now.

What do you think?